What time is it??

Sunday, May 27, 2007


There were many things that I learnt from this. I enjoy having the website about the UOI. I have never experience this before, this is the first time for me. These are the things that I have learnt from the exhibition and there is an action that my groups and I will be doing during the exhibition day.

There are two parts that I learnt from this Unit Of Inquiry and it is about:


•I have to be independent and be active, don't keep quite but ask people's help.

•How to write a proper bibliography, from newspaper, internet and books.

•Experiment is not only about doing it but also could be a fieldtrip as long as we get primary resources.

•Indonesia is the top three ranking of the world's emitted gas and pollution after USA and China.

•Facts and information about Carbon Dioxide.

•How to make your own website.

•How do we cooperate in a group.

Management and Rules

• Be active and ask support not wait for it because we will not get it if we do not ask for it.

•Be as creative as possible

•The past is the past, if we made mistakes learn from it and don't do it again.

•Manage your time very well.

•Be as deligion as possible to make something good.

•Relax, enjoy and have FUN!!!


Our Action

On the day of the exhibition we are going to give out free plants, including stickers for them that reads " I am saving the world...coz I have a tree in my backyard"But this action still needs to be checked by Ibu Maytha☺We have bought the plant on the road side and it cost Rp.400.000. WE didn't pay it equally. Jason paid the most because there was a miss understanding from Jason and Misya. Misya only paid 50.000 when the others paid 2x more than her, or even more. It was still a great experience. We bought small trees that are cheap but really affects the environment. We all thought by having this action it woud be a good and exciting idea but cost a lot of money. It is also for the local environment, not only for us. Now the plants are in Misya's garden and I hope that she waters it...☺☻☺☻☺☻

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The experiment At last, after I had a hard time trying to find the Good Year factory, I was able to locate and copy the location of it. It is the factory where we went to for our experiment. I have edited the picture, so it is without the bookmark. My photo editing is not so well so some parts are not neat. This picture was taken from google earth. I editied with Microsoft paint. It is located in "Goodyear Factory" lat=-6.57645058409, lon=106.794753539.”

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Experiment

My group and I recently went to the local people in Bogor that lives near the Good Year factory. We got lots of different perspectives from the locals. We succesfully interviewed 4 people and recored the scene while there was one man who didn't want us to make a video of us making the interview. There was one exclusive interview wioth a woman in her house which takes about 10 minutes. It was great, I hope I will do more of this in Jakarta with my group. We did not get actual pictures of the Good Year factory because it was covered in trees and we couldn't see much of it while we were there. Thanks to Ibu Maytha, she has been helping us in the interview. She helped us talked and ask questions while also guiding us to the right path on that day. We were confident after the first speech by Ibu Maytha. She also bought some drinks for our group on that day.


My friend Melvin and his blog the Melvin'z Exhibition has given me ideas. He put up the movie called "The Day After Tomorrow". This movie is about the government of USA ignores a man who wants to save people's life. Climate change and all of my friends topics cause this massive things that is going on. It couldn't be stop unless we decrease the things that are happening to our world. Prevent global warming.I am going to put the movie in my blog. I did not think about that. Thank you Melvin...

My Slideshow

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Questions for my question's for the CO2 Galdiators

The Questions that we are going to ask to the local people tomorrow:

Main Question: The upcoming questions will be taught in the interview directly. We could think of a question when we have the interview. These questions are the main ones that should be ask a disguised way.

1. How is the environment around here?
2.Where is the smoke coming from?
3.Recently is there is any sickness that is cause because of that?
4.What has the local people been doing during the smoke keeps on coming out?
5.Was there any reation of the local people when they saw the smoke coming out of the factory.
6. How long has the factory been here and since when was the smoke that massive coming out of the chimney.
7. Was there any rejections of these smoke?

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The News Article

Summary: The University of Indonesia and the Yayasan Sedaun made an event where the students will plant over 1000 seeds of Jati Tree over a 1.7 hectares of land near their campus. This University cares for the environment and wants to keep the world clean. To take care of the rubbish and if we can we better recycle to plastics instead of throwing it away. The

Article: (Copy pasted from
<http://kompas.com/ver1/Unilever/0705/07/190507.htm>. Author M. Satori, date copied Tuesday, May 9 2007).

Sukses dari Bekas Kandang Ayam

KLH, SENIN - CV Mitra Tani menangguk rezeki dari lahan bekas kandang ayam. Kini, petani di Tasikmalaya selalu mencari pupuk kompos "Biotani Plus".

Lahan bekas kandang ayam di Desa Setyamulya, Kecamatan Tamansari, Kota Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, membubuhkan kenangan nan membekas. Alih-alih terabaikan begitu saja, lahan seukuran 10 meter x 5 meter itu justru merupakan pionir dikembangkannya pupuk kompos buatan CV Mitra Tani. Ide brilian tersebut terealisasi lima tahun lalu. Saat itu permodalan perusahaan masih terbatas, belum mendapat dukungan dari lembaga keuangan karena kompos masih belum diminati.

Sebelumnya, pihak Mitra Tani melakukan survei pengadaan bahan baku seperti sampah di pasar-pasar, kotoran hewan dan bahan baku lainnya yang tersedia. Tak berhentinya sampai di situ, pengelola Mitra Tani menjajaki kerja sama baik dengan para pengelola pasar, para peternak hewan di Tasikmalaya dan RPH (Rumah Potong Hewan). Dari situlah, kemudian mulai terbangun upaya pemilahan sampah organik dan non-organik bekerja sama dengan UPTD (Unit Pengelola Teknis Daerah) Pasar Cikurubuk, Kota Tasikmalaya.

Harus diakui, untuk memproduksi kompos diperlukan dukungan pendanaan yang cukup. Meski begitu, Mitra Tani yakin pupuk kompos tak bakal sepi peminat. Soalnya, banyak petani, seperti juga petani sayuran di Tasikmalaya membutuhkan pasokan rutin setiap musim tanam.

Mitra Tani makin bersemangat karena pemerintah pun telah mencanangkan program pembangunan pertanian dengan visi “Go Organik 2010” dan Program GNRHL (Gerakan Nasional Rahabiltasi Hutan dan Lahan).

Peluang pengembangan produksi mulai terbuka setelah, pihak Mitra Tani membaca berita di Harian Pikiran Rakyat tahun 2003 yang memuat Berita Sosialisasi Program WJEMP (Western Java Environmental Management Project) dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup. Berita tersebut menumbuhkan harapan.

Selanjutnya, pada 2004 Mitra Tani bisa mengakses program WJEMP tersebut. Maka, terwujudlah kontrak kerja sama dengan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dengan kapasitas produksi 2 ton per hari.Melalui program WJEMP tersebut Mitra Tani terpacu untuk produksi sesuai dengan target kontrak yang telah ditentukan. Selanjutnya, Mitra Tani mendapat penawaran dari Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Kabupaten Tasikmalaya melalui program GNRHL (Gerakan Nasional Rahabiltasi Hutan dan Lahan) sebanyak 950 ton.

Lebih lanjut, Mitra Tani sadar bahwa kontinuitas pemasaran belum terjamin. Oleh karena itulah, Mitra Tani memperkenalkan kompos ke para pelaku pertanian melalui program demplot penggunaan kompos secara cuma-cuma. Program itu diawali dengan pembinaan dan penyuluhan tentang teknik budidaya pertanian di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya yaitu di Kecamatan Cikatomas sebanyak 5 ton, Kecamatan Singaparna 1 ton, juga di Kecamatan Mangkubumi Kota Tasikmalaya sebanyak 2 ton.

Program demplot ternyata membuahkan hasil. Mulailah terbangun pemahaman bahwa penggunaan pupuk kimia secara terus menerus telah menurunkan kualitas kesuburan tanah yang disebabkan menipisnya kandungan bahan organik dalam tanah. Selain itu juga, program itu menjadi penguat ikatan antara Mitra Tani sebagai produsen pupuk kompos dengan para petani. Buat Mitra Tani, produk pupuknya teraplikasikan. Sementara, Mitra Tani juga menyerap kembali hasil produk pertanian terutama padi organik, sehingga terjadi siklus pemasaran tertutup yang kontinu.

Pola ini juga terus dikembangkan di wilayah pertanian lain yang diawali dengan pelatihan-pelatihan dan pembinaan langsung ke kelompok tani. Akhirnya, mulai tercipta permintaan kebutuhan kompos di pasar yang menjadi pendorong Mitra Tani untuk mulai merambah pemasaran di tingkat toko-toko pertanian, agen, pengecer dan distributor. Saat ini, konsumen mudah mendapatkan produk kompos “Biotani Plus” produksi CV Mitra Tani Tasikmalaya.

Bibliography of the pictures:


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My second Inquiry into

How human activity affects the CO2 level

There is a lot to tell you guys so enjoy reading.
Human really affects the CO2 level. Humans started desforestation in large amount which cause less CO2 prodeced could be absorbed and converted into oxygen. Humans made vehicles and transportation that produces CO2 and now there are a lot of cars on the road each day. Some people do not recycle things that could be recycled. Instead they just burn it and they burn it not in the right place. If you burn rubbish the smoke affect the CO2 level. Burning rubbish does not happen in Indonesia but happens all around the world. Majority people in Indonesia does that. Recycling plastic would be a solution to some problems. If you burn plastic that would cause the air that surrounds that area to be poisonus and be contaminated by gas. Eventually the gas in the air turns into CO2. It is like a cycle. Climate change causes many destruction, burned forests, ruined buildings, wreck docks and many more. When something gets burned the level of CO2 increases little by little. The more of climate change happens, the more CO2 produced because of that the stronger climate change is. Trees are cut down to build furniture, paper and the more furniture and paper we bur or use the more demand on the company to chop down mre trees. When there is sunlight trees are able to do photosynthesis. Photosynthesis happens because the existence of sun rays. Without the sun rays like at night trees can't do photosynthesis. Trees in the Amazon are chopped down because human needs more space for the growth of population. The Amazon forests provide more than 10% of the worlds oxygen and now humans are destroying it. It is not a healthy thing. When CO2 reaches the sky it will go down to the ground again when they are mixed in the sky and produces acid rain. Soil that is no longer planted with trees that has been planned by humans to be a farm couldn't be use. The soil will not be that good. Roof of some houses will rusted and can't be used anymore. Plantlife will be destroyed, the water that they absorb from the ground is full of acid because of acid rain. Human have to rebuild their roof that needs wood and more demand to the wood company. More trees are cut down. There is only two choices of human.

1. Cut down trees for the space, growth of human population, wood demands, place to build farmlands and grassland to feed the cows?
2. Don't cut down trees and stop building farmlands, stop making urbanism (massive growth of cities, technology) ?
Hard choice!
Find out and I hope my classmates vote for the question whether humans should pick question 1 or question 2?

Bibliography :






The Performance

We are playing the song called I Just Wanna Live (Good Charlotte) people will know that we want to live. We change some of that words, and make the performance related to our topic. Not only that we also have a movie that is a a part of the performance where we (four of us) went to visit some of the factories. This will help people know more about our inquiry by looking at videos and words. Videos tells more description about our topic than words. It is easier to imagine the scene of the polluted air just by lookin, it will be great especially with text explanation.
My group and I could show our talents by performing, we made a group band that each member will have a role play. We could also show our talent by presenting the movie. It will show how well do you interact with new people in different places.
The purpose of this performance is to let people know that this is not only a local problem but also a global problem. By presenting the video people could reflect on what they have done to the earth. Many pollution, deforestation, high levels of CO2, global warming and many more. By showing the movie the message should be clear.
I think the length of our performance would be around 10 minutes. I don't want it to be to short and to long. The total time that we are going to need is only about 5 minutes because we have a song played together while the movie that we record will be played at the some time. We need a lot of cooperation for this performance.
We need to have the musical insturment that we are going to play which is the keyboard (played by Priscilla), Bass Guitar (played by me), Electric Guitar (played by Jason), Microphone (For Misya to sing). We also need to have time to practice more on the song because we haven't practice for a few days. We only could learn 3 times in a week.

Look at this:

This was the world before

and this is the world now. It is totally worse.

Description about my UOI group

Theme: Sharing the Planet
Central Idea: It's our world we are responsible for it
Topic : Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Topic Definition:CO2 is a chemival gas which is odorless and colorless produced by different sorts of living creatures that harms the earth
Group's name : CO2 Gladiators
Group's slogan : I Just Wanna Live
Main key concept : Connection
Other Key Concepts :
1. Perspective.
Group members : Alto, Jason, Misya and Priscilla

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Top TWELVE POLLUTED cities in the WORLD

The Top TWELVE POLLUTED cities in the WORLD

LOS ANGELES - Los Angeles is the main source of the world’s smoke. It contributes the most pollution from America. An organization or and association found that the Los Angeles
Riverside city area had the worst climate in the years 2003 until 2005. It is continuing to grow along with the growth of human population. It is become better since than but it is the world’s worst polluted city.

2. PITTSBURGH area was the second most polluted city




12.St. LOUIS

"Nobody is surprised that LA has an air pollution problem," said Janice Nolen, the association's assistant vice president for national policy and advocacy. "The problems there are one of the reasons we have the Clean Air Act. But it is important for folks to know that there has been some improvement."(This paragraph is straight copied, because it is a quote from Janice Nolen)

These cities are producing heat levels by the sunlight. Also it produces lots of CO2 from power plants, cars, and many other sources. These sources made pollution which is a mixture of tiny solid liquid particles in the air.

These air pollution, high levels of CO2 can can cause heart disease, lung cancer and asthma. Elder people throughout the region that are having excersice could easily be effected by these pollution, the association said that majority people have asthma.

More than half of America's citizens live in nations that have unhealthy levels of CO2, pollution that damages the ozone layer. Even though there appeared that the less pollution in many countries than the years before now.

NOAKI SCHWARTZ, date accessed 21 13 1/4/07Webpage is from yahoo news: