What time is it??

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Questions for my question's for the CO2 Galdiators

The Questions that we are going to ask to the local people tomorrow:

Main Question: The upcoming questions will be taught in the interview directly. We could think of a question when we have the interview. These questions are the main ones that should be ask a disguised way.

1. How is the environment around here?
2.Where is the smoke coming from?
3.Recently is there is any sickness that is cause because of that?
4.What has the local people been doing during the smoke keeps on coming out?
5.Was there any reation of the local people when they saw the smoke coming out of the factory.
6. How long has the factory been here and since when was the smoke that massive coming out of the chimney.
7. Was there any rejections of these smoke?

1 comment:

Jane in Java said...

Put your results of the interview on your blog too OK. I'll be thinking of you all. Good luck!